Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bathrooms, gr0ss!

People are gr0ss. Yesterday, after drinking massive amounts of water cuz of dying thirst, I went into the bathroom to take care of some biznaz. My goto stall is usu the one closest to the door as I am too lazy to walk the extra foot to the next one. This time I couldn't use the goto stall because someone else was already there. Most times I try to avoid being in the bathroom at the same time as someone else, as that creates an awk situation. BUT it is even more awk to walk in and then walk out because the other dude surely heard you walk in. By walking out you imply, "Hey, you smell, PEACE!" Anyways, as soon as I lock the door behind me, the other d00d quickly finishes and hustles out the door w/o considering that he should take at least a couple seconds to wash his hands. Naturally, I was skerd of touching the handle of the door when I exited. Sooo, next time you leave the crapper, think about how many other d00ds do a hit-n-run like that.


Carolyn said...

eiw. So when you wash your hands, use that towel to open the door.

Señor Algerious said...

yup, def pro strategy