Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bye Bye Bawston

See you later, Boston. 2011 had its ups and downs, but I wouldn't do it any differently. See you in 2012!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

End of an era.

So today is my last day at the Lincoln Lab Gym as my year membership ends this month and I won't be back to work until 2012. I actually can't believe its been a year. I've definitely spent about 3/4 of the days of 2011 there.

Before the LL gym, I was going to the Air Force gym on base. I made the transition to the LL gym because it was too cold in the winter to walk all the way across base to go to the AF gym. At first I didn't like the LL gym because I thought it was too small and would often be too crowded. Even though it was small, I never had to fight for the equipment. I think I'm going to find a new gym just to change things up. I'm going to miss the convenience of the LL gym.

To finish off the year, I busted out 3 miles in the treadmill after work. For the entire day, I racked up 10 mins on the elliptical, 10 mins on the bike, and 4 miles on the treadmill (about 45 mins total).

As I type this, my left calf is cramping...owwwwwwwwww!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Melt like buttah

-6.5 lbs in one month! Woohoo...

Let's see...for a male, you need about 8% body fat to get a six pack. Last time I checked my BMI, it was just outside of being normal for an adult male. So let's say my BMI is 25 (it was calculated based on electric current and not by height, btw). So converting this to percent body fat via the formula:

% Huskiness = 1.20*BMI + 0.23*Age - 10.8*gender - 5.4, where gender = 1 for male, 0 for female

I get about 19 % of DUHYAAAAAM. That means, I have to lose 20 more pounds to get a six-pack :( It's alright, the current goal is to get it before I'm 30 AND before Mr. Meng. BOOM, mad easy.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Work in Progress

Here are a list of things I need to work on:

1) Stop being passive aggressive. Sometimes I don't even realize that I'm being passive aggressive. I think this is mostly due to the way I was raised since my mom is super passive aggressive. I know it's not healthy. It makes you bottle up your feelings which always lead to a volatile, regrettable situation. I guess I never saw it this way but a friend told me that being passive aggressive is a form of pettiness. Life is too short to be petty. One solution I will attempt is to be more open about thoughts/feelings and point out any problems when they occur.

2) Be a little neater. Everybody had their own definition of neatness. Currently my definition of being neat/clean is nowhere near the real definition of being clean. Even though some things are put away, I have random trinkets and stuff laying around in plain sight. This clutter lends itself to being messy. Besides it's always nice to have your apartment/car/desk look clean.

3) Keep up with hobbies. Maybe I have ADD, but I find myself losing my hobbies after awhile and especially if life is going pretty good. This trend makes me bored, and life is too short to be bored. So I guess I need to keep up with my hobbies, even if life is going well.

4) Make an effort to hang out with people. When life is going well (i.e. job is good, in a relationship, etc) I tend to settle in by myself and not make an effort to see people. This is a bad trend, since friends will always be there for you in the best of times and the worse of times. It's not like I don't like seeing them, its just that I am content with life and therefore more content to stay in. I should try to initiate hangouts and ask people if they're free. I usually have fun when I do make the effort to go out. I've been doing pretty well this week on this goal, and it has been fun.

I'm sure there are many things for me to work on, but in the near future I feel like these are important things I should try to accomplish.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Let's try this again

It’s funny how I think about blogging again after some negative event has occurred in my life. I guess when you’re at your low, you are more inclined to self-evaluate yourself to figure out what you did/did not do to lead to this low point. I don’t always like to be the wet rag and burden my friends with depressing/sad tales of how things went wrong. Don’t get me wrong, I like hearing their outside perspectives, but I think a little self-reflection is a good thing.

Well folks…get ready for some introspection.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

According to...

Back to the Future II, we'll have hoverboards in 2015. I have four years to be excited...I can't wait!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I'm pretty excited about this summer. Even though it's still cold in Bawwwston (AND its already May...fml), I've already planned some things to do. This is my first summer where I have to decide (carefully) how to use vacation days. I think I have about 2.5 weeks of vacation days to use for my first year of employment. I have so many things I want to do but everyone is being ambivalent about vacationing.

Some things I have already committed to include:
- a 5K run (doesn't really require any vacation days but still awesome)
- a weekend at Lollapalooza in Chicago
- 4 days in Orlando, Fl at Disney World (its going to be fun)

Some things I want to do but have not fully committed to include: camping!, visit cape cod, trip to SF to visit family and friends, a cruise, and a euro trip (although I need to get a passport asap). All I have to say is...get money, get paid.

UPDATE: I was able to accomplish all of the above except visit cape cod, trip to SF and a euro trip...I have yet to get a passport :(