Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I'm pretty excited about this summer. Even though it's still cold in Bawwwston (AND its already May...fml), I've already planned some things to do. This is my first summer where I have to decide (carefully) how to use vacation days. I think I have about 2.5 weeks of vacation days to use for my first year of employment. I have so many things I want to do but everyone is being ambivalent about vacationing.

Some things I have already committed to include:
- a 5K run (doesn't really require any vacation days but still awesome)
- a weekend at Lollapalooza in Chicago
- 4 days in Orlando, Fl at Disney World (its going to be fun)

Some things I want to do but have not fully committed to include: camping!, visit cape cod, trip to SF to visit family and friends, a cruise, and a euro trip (although I need to get a passport asap). All I have to say is...get money, get paid.

UPDATE: I was able to accomplish all of the above except visit cape cod, trip to SF and a euro trip...I have yet to get a passport :(

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